Member-only story
Climate Change — People don’t and please don’t ask me to do anything
A scenario featuring the top percenters and the Climate Crisis
Wow, must I be inconvenienced and actually do something about this Climate Change stuff? We live on Fisher Island, very exclusive, green everywhere and safe. We have his and hers Tesla Model X Plaids and our six bedroom mansion is all electric. I have my housekeeper buy only organic at the grocery and plastic bags are banned from our house. My designer clothes are ethically made and eco-friendly (that means not made by poor people anymore and can be recycled, right?).
Tippy says her husband thinks it’s all a hoax by global leftists to control our lives. Why don’t they leave us alone! It’s very upsetting they want to take away all my precious things. I overheard chit-chat about some kind of climate or weather when I was at the salon. It had to do with this Swedish girl and carbon monoxide poisoning, it’s all so confusing. Anyway, whatever the fuss is about, it’s not going to happen until at least 2050. So why bother now?
Hello, Tippy? Let’s go to Cipriani’s for lunch then hit the shops in the District? Awesome! I need to get something at Prada, then to Fendi and Dior. I’ll meet you there at one o’clock….are you and Gregory joining us for the dinner in Chicago on Friday? Superb! yes, Robert will have the Falcon ready and we’ll leave around four and fly back later after dinner…